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Why Did the Whole World Go to War?: And Other Questions About... World War II

Why Did the Whole World Go to War?: And Other Questions About... World War II - Martin W. Sandler, Robert Barrett Tricked! This is a basic outline-format book moving from subtopic to subtopic through WWII. The trick is that all the subheaders have been turned into questions--the old SQ3R technique (coincidentally developed during WWII for the military)!

This could be effective, especially if the reader browsed around to find questions that actually sparked an interest. But in general the problem with the book providing the questions is that it takes away the opportunity of the reader to do the active thinking.

Sandler's compact text keeps each subtopic on a single page, so each of the topics is truly modular. The compact treatment keeps any one topic from its potential depth. Some of the topics suffer from this. Sentences like this one about FDR "During the war, he was a great leader" are not helpful.

Bob Barrett was one of Nancy's illustration professors at BYU. His style relies heavily on the overpainted background. There is no white space. Figures and other content are composed on top of this background, which is already a composition and color study in its own right.